Saturday, March 28, 2009

Pam the Pigeon

There are a select few pigeons who come to chill on my fire escape every morning. I see a movement out of the corner of my eye and instantly think one of two thoughts: a Hogwarts owl is FINALLY coming to give me my letter or someone is about to break in and steal my new, way-too-expensive-but-I-just-had-to-have-because-it's-coral-colored-and-I-need-to-keep-my-"summer-is-coming"-routine-going Yoga Mat...

But it is always just those silly birds. My friend Kate once drew a pigeon that had such great personality. We decided it needed a name, for sure. So Pam it was.

The pigeons I see every morning are quite spunky and like to hop around and flutter their wings. I wonder if Pam is amongst the bunch...

Needless to say, one of these days those pigeons will give me a life-threatening fright.

(P.S. How amazing is this photograph! Found here And she's real! Not just a photo shoot...)

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